Sorry for the gap in postings. I was in New York this week to attend a beauty industry
trade show that included an interesting exhibit of beauty foods, which I’ve
posted about before, here. These are generally foods and beverages that contain
specific ingredients aimed at improving a particular beauty issue. Of course, functional ingredients in
everyday foods are nothing new. We’ve been eating enriched foods all our lives.
But the availability of foods with ingredients meant to impact the skin, for
example, has been growing slowly around the world. At the exhibit, I sampled
Beauty Style Banana Choco Bar, from Korea, that tasted good and contained
bananas, sugar coated almonds, oats and dietary fiber. I also had a taste of
Gimme Probiotics, a dark chocolate candy that was not so much about external
beauty as good internal operation. There were several collagen drinks for skin
care that I did not try (partly because chocolate was not part of the recipe).
Also there for the sampling was candy flavored either with grapefruit or rose,
designed to fragrance your body from the inside out (like garlic, but nicer).
Of course, from these small samples there’s no way I can tell you how effective
these products are, but I can tell you with some certainty that more products
like these will be making their way to your stores very soon.